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Version: 1.25

Obsolete Features

AreaFeatureObsolete inTarget remove versionRemoved in VersionReason Notes
ActionsCreate List from CSV File-1.20Replaced by the more flexible Create List from CSV action
Migration Type: Manual (Switch to the Create List form CSV action)
ActionsExecute Token1.181.20Same functionality as "Create/Update Token"
Migration Type: Automated (Action will be replaced with Create/Update Token.)
ActionsInject Data1.181.20Same functionality as "Create/Update Token"
Migration Type: Automated (Action will be replaced with Create/Update Token.)
ActionsUpdate User Profile-1.20Replaced by the much more flexible action with same name
Migration Type: Automated (Use the non-obsolete action with the same name.)
ActionsUser Registration-1.20Replaced by the much more flexible action with same name
Migration Type: Automated (Use the non-obsolete action with the same name.)
Add-onsSalesforce, OpenID, DynamicCRM & UIPath available only with Enterprise license1.191.20Separating the add-ons targeted for enterprise setups.
Migration Type: N/A (The add-ons will throw licensing errors after upgrade if used on non Enterprise licenses.)
AutomationPOP3 email triggers1.21.22POP mail retrieval is an older protocol and is not intended for use across multiple devices.
Migration Type: Manual (Convert to using IMAP trigger)
AutomationJobs can no longer be triggered by URL. logic that supports "You can also trigger this job via Web Service using this URL:" has been removed.
Migration Type: Manual (Convert to an API Endpoint)
FormInclude Bootstrap1.191.20Our policy is that it’s the Page or the Skin responsibility to load the correct version of Bootstrap
Migration Type: Manual (Include Bootstrap 5 from the skin or page settings if needed.)
FormjQuery UI Datepicker-1.181.18jQuery UI has been an obsolete technology for many years and looks very outdated
Migration Type: Manual (Switch to the other date pickers available. )
FormLeft/Right Sidebar1.181.20The same can be done from page building with much more flexibility.
Migration Type: Manual (Switch to using CSS or other page building features.)
FormNetCash BankAccount Group Validator-1.181.18A validator no longer in use.
Migration Type: N/A (No migration path.)
FormNoCss template1.191.20NoCss is based on BS3 and has limited use cases.
Migration Type: Manual (Consider using Manual Layout for custom UIs. Forms with NoCss theme will throw an error. )
FormXML configs for input fields are obsolete. They will be automatically converted to JSON config files in've transitioning all our config files to work exclusively with JSON format. Input Types is one of the few places that still support XML and this code will be soon modernized.
Migration Type: Manual (If you're using custom form fields, convert any associated XML config files to JSON.)
Form FieldsAgree to Terms1.181.20Replaced by the much more flexible Agreement Links
Migration Type: Automated (Fields will be automatically replaced with Agreement Links.)
Form FieldsAgree to Terms PopUp1.181.20Replaced by the much more flexible Agreement Links
Migration Type: Automated (Fields will be automatically replaced with Agreement Links.)
Form FieldsItem with Quantity1.181.20This field was just a preconfigured list of radio boxes
Migration Type: Manual (Switch to using the radio boxes field with Items data source.)
Form FieldsLikert Scale (Agree/Disagree)1.181.20This field was just a preconfigured list of radio boxes
Migration Type: Manual (Switch to using the radio boxes field with Items data source.)
Form FieldsLikert Scale (Frequency)1.181.20This field was just a preconfigured list of radio boxes
Migration Type: Manual (Switch to using the radio boxes field with Items data source.)
Form FieldsLikert Scale (Importance)1.181.20This field was just a preconfigured list of radio boxes
Migration Type: Manual (Switch to using the radio boxes field with Items data source.)
Form FieldsPages from Current Portal1.181.20This field was a dropdown preconfigured with the Pages data source.
Migration Type: Manual (Switch to using the dropdown field with the respective data source.)
Form FieldsPortals (except portal 0)1.181.20This field was a dropdown preconfigured with the Portals data source.
Migration Type: Manual (Switch to using the dropdown field with the respective data source.)
Form FieldsPortals Dropdown (all)1.181.20This field was a dropdown preconfigured with the Portals data source.
Migration Type: Manual (Switch to using the dropdown field with the respective data source.)
Form FieldsSimple Rich Text1.181.20Replaced by the 2 much modern rich text editors (CK Editor and Trumbowyg)
Migration Type: Automated (Switch to using CK Editor and Trumbowyg.)
Form FieldsUser ID1.191.20This field just transported the UserId to the front end in a hidden field. Same behavior an be achieved by using directly the hidden field.
Migration Type: Manual (You can use the normal hidden field with a token in it [User:UserId])
Form FieldsYes/No (Radio boxes)1.181.20This field was just a preconfigured list of radio boxes
Migration Type: Manual (Switch to using the radio boxes field with Items data source.)
Form FieldsYes/No/Maybe (Radio Boxes)1.181.20This field was just a preconfigured list of radio boxes
Migration Type: Manual (Switch to using the radio boxes field with Items data source.)
InfoboxInclude Bootstrap1.191.19BREAKING CHANGE
Infobox no longer includes bootstrap 3 as it's causing issues when working with pages that use other versions.
Migration Type: Manual (Include Bootstrap 3 from the skin or page settings if needed.)
ListingBootstrap Glyphicons1.191.20Bootstrap Glyphicons lost in popularity compared to other icon frameworks, such as Font Awesome that we widely support.
Migration Type: Manual (Switch to use the Font Awesome classes.)
ListingForm Builder1.181.20Form Builder is a clone of Action Form. The code has been unmaintained for many years, and fell behind. It's also inefficient, as we're loading a form for each row in the listing, which becomes very slow.
Migration Type: Manual (Swtich to a different pattern, such as using popups with forms, inline edit, or embed forms inside inline details.)
ListingInclude Bootstrap1.191.20Our policy is that it’s the Page or the Skin responsibility to load the correct version of Bootstrap
Migration Type: Manual (Include Bootstrap 3 from the skin or page settings if needed.)
ListingLoading animation covers1.191.20Covering the entire page creates usability issue. The loader will always only cover that data part.
Migration Type: N/A (Loader will always cover just the data area of the grid.)
NavXpInclude Bootstrap1.191.20Our policy is that it’s the Page or the Skin responsibility to load the correct version of Bootstrap
Migration Type: Manual (Include Bootstrap 3 from the skin or page settings if needed.)
Search InputInclude Bootstrap1.191.20Our policy is that it’s the Page or the Skin responsibility to load the correct version of Bootstrap
Migration Type: Manual (Include Bootstrap 3 from the skin or page settings if needed.)
TabsCollapsible1.191.20Collapsed tabs provide poor indication that they are tabs. The first tab will always be open unless another tab is active.
Migration Type: Manual (Tabs and accordions always initialize open. The behavior is still possible through Javascript.)
TabsFull Width Tabs1.191.20Full width tabs loose the appearance of being tabs, resulting in confusing UI.
Migration Type: Manual (The behavior is still possible through Javascript.)
TabsMaximum number of tabs1.191.20Feature not being used or providing value to users.
Migration Type: Manual (The behavior is still possible through Javascript.)
TabsOpen on Action1.191.20Opening tabs on hover provides poor UX experience.
Migration Type: Manual (Tabs now open on click only. The hover option has been removed. The behavior is still possible through Javascript.)
TabsShow Empty Tabs1.191.20The only reason tabs can be empty if for example the user doesn't have permissions to any of the modules contained in the tab. Clicking an empty tab shows nothing, resulting in poor UX.
Migration Type: Manual (Empty tabs will never be shown. The behavior is still possible through Javascript.)
TabsShow When Fully Loaded1.191.20This was a setting that ensured compatibility with some legacy modules that would depend on a particular DOM structure.
Migration Type: Manual (The behavior is still possible through Javascript.)
TabsUse Module Title1.191.20This feature ensured that on export/import, modules would be matched by their title. Switching to a unique ID format.
Migration Type: Automated (Import/Export will work much more precisely with the unique ID mechanism.)
TokensEncodeSQL1.211.25This core token encodes a text against SQL injection. It is replaced in functionality by the "SQL" core token (see the Tokens > Core Tokens documentation section for further details).
Migration Type: Manual (replace EncodeSQL tokens with SQL).
Tokens[Context:...] and [ContextItems:...]1.25The following token can be used instead: [HttpContextItems:...], as it does the same thing.

Source: Obsolete Features / For Publication revised 2022 0111, drw.