📄️ Create JSON Object
Create a JSON object holding a property and a value.
📄️ Parse JSON Into Tokens
Creates tokens that follow this pattern [<BaseTokenName>Property.SubProperty.AndSoOn]. In case of an array, for performance reasons and to prevent context flooding with tokens, they are not expanded. You will need to re-apply the Parse JSON Into Tokens action on the array token (e.g. [ [1.Property].
📄️ Parse XML Into JSON Tokens
This action transforms XML into JSON and then applies the same logic as Parse JSON into tokens. This means you can use the same suite of actions that you would normaly use for JSON manipulation after parsing it into tokens. Creates tokens that follow this pattern [<BaseTokenName>Property.SubProperty.AndSoOn]. XML Attributes of a node can be accessed with [<BaseTokenName> [1.Property].
📄️ Regex Multiple Results
Parse multiple values at once from same Input
📄️ Regex Replace
Replaces multiple values at once from same Input
📄️ Regex
Parse multiple values at once from same Input
📄️ Sanitize HTML
Audience: Citizen Developer