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Version: 1.26 (Current)

Load Portal

This action will load a DNN portal into context.

Parameter Reference

ParameterDescriptionSupports TokensDefault
Portal IdentifierDetermines which portal to load. Leave empty to load current portal. Possible values are a Portal Id or Portal Guid. Can contain context tokens (for example [SomePortalId]) and My Tokens.YesNone
Store Portal Name inIf specified, this is a token name that will receive the portal name. Use of square brackets is optional.NoNone
Store Administrator Id inIf specified, this is a token name that will receive the portal administrator id. Use of square brackets is optional.NoNone
Store Portal CreatedByUserID inIf specified, this is a token name that will receive the Portal CreatedByUserID. Use of square brackets is optional.NoNone
Store Portal CreatedOnDate inIf specified, this is a token name that will receive the Portal CreatedOnDate. Use of square brackets is optional.NoNone
Store Culture Code inIf specified, this is a token name that will receive the Culture Code. Use of square brackets is optional.NoNone
Store Default Language inIf specified, this is a token name that will receive the Default Language. Use of square brackets is optional.NoNone
Store Portal Email inIf specified, this is a token name that will receive the Portal Email. Use of square brackets is optional.NoNone
Store LastModifiedByUserID inIf specified, this is a token name that will receive the LastModifiedByUserID. Use of square brackets is optional.NoNone
Store LastModifiedOnDate inIf specified, this is a token name that will receive the LastModifiedOnDate. Use of square brackets is optional.NoNone