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Version: 1.26 (Current)

Update Page

This action will update a DNN page.

Parameter Reference

ParameterDescriptionSupports TokensDefault
Page IdentifierLeave empty to update current page. Possible values are a Tab Id, a Tab Path (a valid path is //RootPage/SubPage/AndSoOn) or a Tab Name (the first one is matched, so use this carefully). Can contain context tokens (for example [SomeTabId]) and My Tokens.YesNone
Page NameSpecify page name. Leave empty if you don't want to update Page Name. Note that you can use a context token like [PageName] to read it from input or use My Tokens.YesNone
Page TitleSpecify page title. Leave empty if you don't want to update Page Title. Note that you can use a context token like [PageTitle] to read it from input or use My Tokens.YesNone
Show In MenuDetermines if the page will appear in menu. For expressions, you can use tokens that return 'true'/'false' or '1'/'0' (without the quotes). Supports My Tokens .YesNone
Parent Page (select)The page will be moved under this page (only if text parameter is left empty).NoNone
Parent Page (text)The page will be moved under this page (this parameter has priority over the select). For example, use [Tab:TabId] to moved new page under current page. Can contain context tokens (for example [SelectPage]) and My Tokens.YesNone
Page DescriptionSpecify page description. Leave empty if you don't want to update Page Description. Can contain context tokens (for example [Description]) and My Tokens.YesNone
Page KeywordsSpecify page meta keywords. Leave empty if you don't want to update Page Keywords. Can contain context tokens (for example [Keywords]) and My Tokens.YesNone
Start DateWhen specified, this option determines the date after which the page becomes visible on the site. Can contain context tokens (for example [DateStart]) and My Tokens.YesNone
End DateWhen specified, this option determines the date after which the page is no longer visible on the site. Can contain context tokens (for example [DateEnd]) and My Tokens.YesNone
PermissionsSet permissions for the page. The first column is the permission key (for example VIEW or EDIT) or permission name (View Tab or Edit Tab). The second is a list of role IDs or role names delimited by comma or semicolon. If you're linking to a Permission Grid control, you can use [PermissionGrid:PermissionName] tokens in this field. Can contain context tokens (for example [RoleName]) and My Tokens.YesNone
Other SettingsHere you can update any other setting you can think of, including custom settings. Can contain context tokens (for example [SettingValue]) and My Tokens. If you have latest My Tokens you will be able to access any of these with [Tab:];YesNone
Store URL in TokenIf you change Page Name, the URL will change. Provide the name of a token where to store it so it can be used later for example to redirect to that page or send an email with the link.NoNone