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Version: 1.26 (Current)


General Description

Roles define what users can see and do in the application. Plant an App comes with a list of pre-built roles and other roles can added to define your own security logic. Roles can be added, edited or deleted, and can be setup to restrict access at a page level, component level, actions, workflows, entities or any other module specific feature that support permissions (eg: API Calls, Search index rules, etc...

Permision Scheme


Setting page permission will restrict access to the whole content of a page. Also edit permission can be enabled based on the roles.


Each role can be assigned or removed from a user via the users page in the configuration page of Plant an App.


Permissions set on a entity level will automatically change the permissions of the autogenerated page and the access of what operations can be done via the user interface like Create Read Update or Delete. Also the same permissions will be applied to the actions witch are used to do CRUD operations like Create, Update, Partially Update, Read and Delete an Entity.


Each Module individually has each own permissions and can be modified individually to restrict access or grant edit options to roles.

Actions & Buttons

All the actions and buttons that can be used in the Plant an App platform have 2 settings called Condition (Show Condition) and Enable Condition that supports tokens. Based on those we can create complex access securities with the HasRole token. [HasRole:RoleName] will check the logged-in user (or the user from Load User/Load Users from SQL and return true or false depending if the user is in that role or not. (eg: [HasRole:Admin] == true can be used on a button to only enable it for a user in the Admin

API JWT Authentification

Authenticating with JWT to use an API resources has to be done in the name of a user so permissions can be set to only permit access to specific users in those roles.

Search Index Rules

All or some results may be restricted (not shown) based on the roles by specifying the roles who have access to each result.

Role Management

Adding Roles

Click on the NEW button on the top right of the page to start adding a new role. Input the Role Name and Role Description. Click Save to add the new role.

Editing Roles

In the user grid find the role you want to edit and click in the edit icon to open the edit dialog. Modify the Role Name and/or Role Description. Click Save to modify the role.

Removing Roles

In the user grid find the role you want to delete and click in the delete icon (trash can) to open the delete dialog. Click Yes to delete the role.

Built-In Roles

Low-Code Engineer

This is the primary role that should be assigned to developers of your Low-Code application.

This role is intended for users who are responsible for managing application settings, creating application screens, and developing business logic and flows associated with the applications. Users in this role are deeply involved in the overall development and maintenance of the application. This role can't be edited or deleted.


Warning: This role has been deprecated and is unmaintained. Consider using the Low-Code Engineer role instead.

It's intended for users that need to manage the application settings and can also manage users in the Built-In roles. People in this role are involved in the development of the application. This role can't be edited or deleted.

Citizen Developers

Warning: This role has been deprecated and is unmaintained. Consider using the Low-Code Engineer role instead.

It's intended for users that need to manage the application settings, like creating the application screens and the business logic/flows associated with them. People in this role are involved in the development of the application. This role can't be edited or deleted.


It's intended for users that need to access to all data stored in the system. Can manage all users except Admins and Citizen Developers. This role can't be edited or deleted.

Low-Level roles


It's intended for users that manage the Plant an App instance and full control over all the settings of the app except that it can't create other administrators. It enables advanced settings that may affect the stability of the platform. It can be enabled by the Plant an App support if required for cloud hosted instances. On premise deployment should have at least one account with this role already enabled. Keep in mind that the Administrator role has all the other Roles enabled regardless of the user settings. Tokens like [HasRole:RoleName] will return true in all situations.

Super User

This is a flag that can be added to the Administrators Role and enables the user to manage the Administrators. Also enables some extra settings like cache management or the SQL Console.


1. Manageing the entity roles

  1. Create a new role
  2. Create a new user
  3. Assigned the newly created role to the user
  4. Create a new entity
  5. On the permission tab set the Can view to Own Entries and Can add setting to checked on the row of the role
  6. Login as the newly create user and access the page of the newly created entity
  7. You can add a new entry but editing or deleting are not enabled.
  8. Go to step 5 and change the permission to explore more. You can login with other users from other roles to explore the other behaviors.