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Version: 1.24



The Fields under this section allow you to upload and manipulate images and graphical elements to be inserted into your form.

Display Image

This Field type enables the display of an image - either hosted on the Plan an App portal or from an external URL.

Available parameters:

FieldDescription and information
ImageChoose an image from the Plant an App portal. The drop-down list is automatically populated with all the available images.
Image URLAlternatively, load an image from an external URL. If provided, this setting will take precedence over the "Image" parameter above. This field supports Tokens.

Image Editor

This field inserts an image editor canvas in the form that allows for the ability to crop the selected area of an image and submit the data in base64 format.

It is very useful when images uploaded are displayed on the website and you want to give the uploader the possibility of “publishing” only part of an image.

Generated tokens:

  • [<FieldId>] contains the full base64 image information (e.g. data:image/png;base64,<base64 string>)
  • [<FieldId>:ContentType] contains the content (file) type information (e.g. .jpeg, .png, etc.)
  • [<FieldId>:Content] - contains just the base64 string.

The image resulting from this field can:

  • Be saved directly to the database in base64 format.
  • Saved to disk with the help of the "Save file to disk" action by setting the input mode to: "Base64 image content".

Available parameters:

FieldDescription and information
Initial ImageInput an image path or a base64 string that represents an image. This field Supports Tokens.
Output TypeDetermines the type of the image to be returned (e.g. .PNG or .JPEG).
Hide Select Image ButtonHide/show the image select button below the canvas via a token.
Reset ButtonCheckbox; if enabled, shows the "Reset" button below the canvas. The reset button resets the crop box and image to default values.
Drag ModeChoose the dragging mode of the cropper - either create a new crop box (Crop) or move the canvas (Move).
Note: if you do not want the form user to have the ability to resize the cropping area, this setting should be set to Move and the "Resizable Crop Box" checkbox (see below) needs to be disabled.
Resizable Crop BoxCheckbox; enable to resize the crop box by dragging (the aspect ratio is defined by width and height). When disabled, the resulting image will use the crop box width and height defined below.
Crop Box WidthDefine the crop box width in px (Integer number).
Crop Box HeightDefine the crop box height in px (Integer number).
Save to ReportChecking this box automatically saves the value from this Field into the database, under the avtActionForm_Reports table.

Progress Bar

Allows you to insert a progress bar into your Form, that can be used to indicate the progress of an operation to the user.


How to quickly create a Progress Bar for your Form:

  1. Add a Progress Bar field
  2. Set the preferred Display Text, Animation and Min/Max Values (see Parameters list, below)
  3. Add a Slider field and set your preferred Values for it
  4. Add the Slider’s FieldID token on the Progress Bar’s Bind Expressions (see the "Common Configuration sections" section on the "Fields: Overview and settings" page), in the Value field.

Parameters list:

FieldDescription and information
Initial ValueThe field initially loads with this value. It should be between (or equal to) Min Value and Max Value - see below. Supports Tokens so you can pull data from various sources such as user profile.
ShapeChoose the shape of the Progress Bar, between: Line, Circle, or Semicircle.
Display TextThe text display corresponding to your Progress Bar progress: None (no progress figure info), Value (inferior and superior limits TBD below) and Percentage.
Min ValueInferior (minimum) value of the range where the percentage will be calculated. Can be negative. Default value: 0. (eg. 20). This field supports Tokens so you can pull data from various sources such as user profile.
Max ValueSuperior (maximum) value of the range where the percentage will be calculated. Can be negative. Default value: 100. (eg. 80). This field supports Tokens so you can pull data from various sources such as user profile.
Stroke colorSet progress bar stroke color (color of filled part). Accepts RGB and HEX color codes. This field also supports Tokens so you can pull data from various sources such as user profile.
Trail colorSet progress bar trail color (color of unfilled part). Accepts RGB and HEX color codes. This field also supports Tokens so you can pull data from various sources such as user profile.
Stroke WidthSet progress bar stroke (filled part) width.
Trail WidthSet progress bar trail (unfilled part) width.
AnimationAnimation type on value change. Choose between bounce and easeInOut.
Animation DurationTime in milliseconds. Disable with -1. Supports Tokens so you can pull data from various sources such as user profile.
Change color on valueSet threshold for color change when it reaches a specific value. Multiple steps can be added. This color change applies to the Value figure, not to the progress bar.