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Version: 1.25

Save file to disk

Saves a file to disk. The contents of the file can be retrieved from an arbitrary URL or it can be specified as a plain text value. When retrieving the file from an URL endpoint the supported request method is GET. Also, we can infer the filename and extension from the Content-Disposition header of the request if it is present and the Pattern parameter evaluates to an empty string.

Parameter Reference

ParameterDescriptionSupports TokensDefault
Input modeUrl: will retrieve the content from the provided Url and save it to the specified file.Text: will write the provided text content to the specified file.Base64 image: will process the base64 image string (in Data URI Scheme format, e.g. data:image/png;base64,<base64 content>) and save the data as image on disk to the specified file. It will enforce file extension if it doesn't match with the metadata in the base64 string.NoNone
UrlThe URL of the file to be downloaded. A GET request will be made to the URL provided here.NoNone
ContentContent of the file. Can contain My Tokens.YesNone
FolderSelect the portal folder where the file will be saved.NoNone
PatternOptionally provide a pattern to use for filenames on the server. For example "[User:Username]-avatar". Leave blank to use generate a random name. If no extension is provided, the .txt extension will be automatically added. Supports My TokensYesNone
Handle DuplicatesNoRename
Absolute URL Output Token NameOptionally provide a token name where to Store the Absolute URL. The token can be used in next actions down the stack.NoNone
Relative URL Output Token NameOptionally provide a token name where to Store the Relative URL. The token can be used in next actions down the stack.NoNone
Physical Path Output Token NameOptionally provide a token name where to Store the Physical Path. The token can be used in next actions down the stack.NoNone
Link Click Output Token NameOptionally provide a token name where to Store the LinkClick Url. The token can be used in next actions down the stack.NoNone
File Id Output Token NameOptionally provide a token name where to Store the File Id. The token can be used in next actions down the stack.NoNone