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Version: 1.25

Create CSV from List

Serializes a list of entities from the context into CSV (Comma Separated Values) format.

Parameter Reference

ParameterDescriptionSupports TokensDefault
List NameName of the list that will be serialized to CSV. Can contain tokens.NoNone
FieldsProvide a list of fields to serialize.NoNone
Include All FieldsOr, select this option to serialize all fields.NoNone
Remove Field NamesRemove the field names from the serialization.NoNone
Field SeparatorUse semicolon if you open CSV Files with Excel and your region Format is set to other than English (United States). Left unselected, defaults to comma. You can use the expression setting to dynamically pass a delimiter from the given list to the action, you can use both the punctuation mark (i.e. ';') or the noun that describes that punctuation mark (i.e. 'semicolon') as values when passing the delimiter as a token, this applies to all options except 'tab'. Supports My Tokens.YesNone
Add inline separetorInserts 'sep=' on the first line of Excel to specify '' as a CSV separator.NoNone
CriteriaProvide criteria to determine which entries are serialized.NoNone
Storage LocationSelect the location where the output is stored.NoFile
Output Token NameInput a token name that will hold the resulting CSV string.NoNone
Ensure CSV file type is allowed in DNN File System.NoNone
EncodingChoose the Encoding option. Default is UTF-8.NoNone
FolderFolder to write the CSV file into.NoNone
PatternOptionally provide a pattern to use for filenames on the server. For example "[User:Username]-avatar". Leave blank to use the original filename. Supports My TokensYesNone
Handle DuplicatesNoNone
Store Absolute URLOptionally provide a token name where to Store Absolute URL. The token can be used in next actions down the stack.NoNone
Store Relative URLOptionally provide a token name where to Store Relative URL. The token can be used in next actions down the stack.NoNone
Store Physical PathOptionally provide a token name where to Store Physical Path. The token can be used in next actions down the stack.NoNone
Store LinkClick UrlOptionally provide a token name where to Store the LinkClick Url. The token can be used in next actions down the stack.NoNone
Disable Force DownloadDisables LinkClick URL force download feature.NoNone