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Version: 1.24

Merge PDF

Audience: Low-code Engineers

Skill Prerequisites: HTML CSS

Merges two PDF into one.

Typical Use Cases

  • Send multiple PDFs to download as one
  • Create an easy to read PDF
  • Attach your legal details at the end of any generated PDF

Don't use it to

  • Merge sensitive data to public data
Action NameDescription
Generate PDFUses wkhtmltopdf open source to generate PDF from HTML template.

Input Parameter Reference

ParameterDescriptionSupports TokensDefaultRequired
First FileIdentifier for the first file that can have multiple pages and can be: RelativeUrl, AbsoluteUrl, LinkClickUrl or PhysicalPath.Yesempty stringYes
Second FileIdentifier for the second file that can have multiple pages and can be: RelativeUrl, AbsoluteUrl, LinkClickUrl or PhysicalPath.Yesempty stringYes
FolderFolder path where you want to store the new pdf.Yesnone selectedNo
File NameThe File Name for the newly generated file.Yesempty stringNo

Output Parameters Reference

Absolute URLOptionally, provide a token name where the absolute URL will be saved.
Relative URLOptionally, provide a token name where the relative URL will be saved.
Physical Path TokenNameOptionally, provide a token name where the physical path will be saved.
Link Click TokenNameOptionally, provide a token name where the LinkClick URL will be saved.
DNN FileId TokenNameOptionally, provide a token name where the FileId from DNN will be saved.

Possible Issue

If one of the PDFs is password protected or doesn't have read permissions, merging them will not work.


1. Merging 2 newly generated PDFs

​ The action below generates two PDFs, with different content, and then merges them. Import it into your application to see it in action. ​

"Title": "Execute Actions",
"ActionType": "ExecuteActions",
"Description": "merging two generated pdfs",
"Condition": null,
"Parameters": {
"ActionList": [
"Title": "Generate PDF",
"ActionType": "GeneratePDF",
"Description": null,
"Condition": null,
"Parameters": {
"HtmlInputType": {
"Expression": "",
"Value": "codemirror",
"IsExpression": false,
"Parameters": {}
"HTMLCode": "<head>\n\t<style>\n h1 {\n color: red;\n text-align: center;\n }\n\t</style>\n</head>\n\n<body>\n\t<h1> \n Picture - PDF 1 \n \t</h1>\n</body>",
"PDFName": "PDF-1",
"PathDestination": {
"Expression": "",
"Value": "/",
"IsExpression": false,
"Parameters": {}
"OrientationLandscape": "",
"PaperSize": {
"Expression": "",
"Value": "A4",
"IsExpression": false,
"Parameters": {}
"Grayscale": "",
"OtherOptions": "--javascript-delay 1000",
"StoreFileId": "",
"StoreAbsoluteURL": "PDF1",
"StoreRelativeURL": "",
"StorePhysicalPath": "",
"StoreLinkClick": "",
"ForceDownload": true
"$_uid": "action15952552462363518",
"$_isOpen": false,
"$_isLoaded": true,
"$_isFocus": true
"Title": "Generate PDF",
"ActionType": "GeneratePDF",
"Description": null,
"Condition": null,
"Parameters": {
"HtmlInputType": {
"Expression": "",
"Value": "codemirror",
"IsExpression": false,
"Parameters": {}
"HTMLCode": "<head>\n\t<style>\n img {\n display: block;\n margin-left: auto;\n margin-right: auto;\n width: 50%;\n }\n\t</style>\n</head>\n\n<body>\n \t<h2 style=\"text-align:center\">\n PDF 2\n \t</h2>\n\t<img src=\"\" alt=\"Plant An App Logo\">\n</body>",
"PDFName": "PDF-2",
"PathDestination": {
"Expression": "",
"Value": "/",
"IsExpression": false,
"Parameters": {}
"OrientationLandscape": "",
"PaperSize": {
"Expression": "",
"Value": "A4",
"IsExpression": false,
"Parameters": {}
"Grayscale": "",
"OtherOptions": "--javascript-delay 1000",
"StoreFileId": "",
"StoreAbsoluteURL": "PDF2",
"StoreRelativeURL": "",
"StorePhysicalPath": "",
"StoreLinkClick": "",
"ForceDownload": true
"$_uid": "action15952552462369384",
"$_isOpen": false,
"$_isLoaded": true,
"$_isFocus": true,
"Id": -1
"Id": -1,
"$_uid": "action15952552462366752",
"Parameters": {
"FirstFileIdentifier": "[PDF1]",
"SecondFileIdentifier": "[PDF2]",
"Folder": {
"Expression": "",
"Value": "/",
"IsExpression": false,
"Parameters": {}
"FileName": "Merged-PDF",
"AbsoluteUrlTokenName": "link",
"RelativeUrlTokenName": "",
"PhysicalPathTokenName": "",
"LinkClickTokenName": "",
"FileIdTokenName": ""
"ActionType": "MergePdfs",
"$_isOpen": false,
"$_isLoaded": true,
"$_isFocus": true,
"Definition": {
"IsClientAction": false,
"Settings": {
"Group": "Documents"
"Title": "Redirect to URL",
"ActionType": "RedirectToUrl",
"Description": null,
"Condition": null,
"Parameters": {
"Url": "[link]",
"EscapeUrl": "",
"OpenInPopup": "",
"PopupTitle": "",
"OpenInNewTab": "",
"ForceDownload": true
"$_uid": "action15952552462364634",
"$_isOpen": false,
"$_isLoaded": true,
"$_isFocus": true