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Version: 1.25

Extract PDF

Audience: Low-code Engineers

Skill Prerequisites: Tokens

This action allows you to select specific sections from one .pdf file, extract them and add them to a new .pdf file.

Typical Usage

  • Extract and synthesize sections from a larger PDF file.

Alternative suggestions

  • To combine two .pdf documents, use Merge PDF instead.
  • If you want to simply create a .pdf file, use Generate PDF.

Input Parameter Reference

ParameterDescriptionSupports TokensDefault Value
Source fileDefine the source file. The identifier for the source file can be:
  • RelativeUrl (a token name where the relative URL will be saved)
  • AbsoluteUrl (a token name where the absolute URL will be saved)
  • LinkClickUrl (a token name where the LinkClick URL will be saved)
  • PhysicalPath (a token name where the physical path will be saved).
  • empty string
    Section SelectionDefine which sections of the source PDF you want to extract (each section is defined by a "Start Page" and an "End Page"). The page indexes are "0" based.N/A (selection)
    FolderSelect a folder where you want to store the new pdf. Can contain My Tokens.empty string
    File NameFile Name for the newly generated file.empty string
    Output Token NameOptionally provide a token name in which to store the file id. Other information can be accessed with [OutputTokenName:AbsoluteUrl], [OutputTokenName:RelativeUrl], [OutputTokenName:PhysicalPath], [OutputTokenName:LinkClick].empty string
    TitleAllows you to customize this specific action name.
    Note: this parameter is available only in specific contexts (such as in the Form Builder, Workflows, etc.).
    Extract PDF
    DescriptionAllows you to define a text description of the action. This is used only internally for documentation purposes; it is not displayed to users.
    Note: this parameter is available only in specific contexts (such as in the Form Builder, Workflows, etc.).
    empty string
    Error messageAllows you to define a custom error message when the action fails. The admins will also see the detailed error message. Leave empty to use the default message.
    Note: this parameter is available only in specific contexts (such as in the Form Builder, Workflows, etc.).
    empty string
    ConditionDefine the conditionality for the action: a boolean expression is used to determine if this action will execute. Use it to enable or disable actions programatically. For example, you can enable a ShowError action only if you find an error when you parsed a response from a web service. A common example is [HasRole:Administrators\|true] (which requires My Token to work) or [SomeField] == "Some Value".
    Note: this parameter is available only in specific contexts (such as in the Form Builder, Workflows, etc.).
    empty string

    If the .pdf file you want to extract the sections from is password protected or does not have read permissions, the extraction operation will fail.

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