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Version: 1.25

Create Excel from SQL query

Serializes the result of an SQL Query into Excel format. Optimized to use with large amounts of data.

Parameter Reference

ParameterDescriptionSupports TokensDefault
Other Connection StringLeave empty to use the DNN database. Also supports the name of a conneection string from the database. It will respect the Provider (ODBC, SqlClient, etc.). Can contain My Tokens.YesNone
Query TimeoutSet a time in seconds after which a query will time out. The default is set to 10 minutes or 600 seconds. This parameter can't be negative or under 10 seconds. Can contain Tokens.NoNone
SQL QuerySQL to execute. Can contain My Tokens. WARNING! We encourage using binding parameters instead of using the tokens directly on sql query. Just use @param instead of [token] and bind below values as shown: Parameter Name: param ; Parameter Value: [token]. This will keep your database safe.YesNone
Bind TokensBind the parameters above with a value or token. e.g. P. Name:param, P. Value:[token]NoNone
Add Column NamesRemove the field names from the serialization.NoTrue
FolderFolder to write the Excel file into.NoNone
PatternOptionally provide a pattern to use for filenames on the server. For example "[User:Username]-avatar". Leave blank to use the original filename. Supports My TokensYesNone
Handle DuplicatesNoRename
File PasswordAdd a password to the file. Use this if you don't want other to see the data. Supports My TokensYesNone
Worksheet PasswordAdd a password to the worksheet. Use this if you want other to see the data but not change it. Supports My TokensYesNone
Store Absolute URLOptionally provide a token name where to Store Absolute URL. The token can be used in next actions down the stack.NoNone
Store Relative URLOptionally provide a token name where to Store Relative URL. The token can be used in next actions down the stack.NoNone
Store Physical PathOptionally provide a token name where to Store Physical Path. The token can be used in next actions down the stack.NoNone
Store LinkClick UrlOptionally provide a token name where to Store the LinkClick Url. The token can be used in next actions down the stack.NoNone
Store File IDOptionally provide a token name where to Store the DNN File ID. The token can be used in next actions down the stack.NoNone
Disable Force DownloadDisables LinkClick URL force download feature.NoNone