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Version: 1.25

Listings General Settings

Those settings allow yout to configure the display appearance of the data Grid. The "Settings" tab is accessible through the Grid Editor (Listing). Multiple settings are available and are listed below.

Show Conditionally

Define a condition to be evaluated and for the Grid to be displayed. This is a server side expression (C# and Tokens - for example: [HasRole:Administrator|true]); when "false", the Grid will be hidden.

Display Title

When checked, the module title is displayed at the beginning of the top button bar.

Display Mode

Choose whether this grid appears initially on the page or if it should be opened programmatically. Possible values:

  • Initially Visible - default, displays the grid as is.

  • In Popup - opens the Grid in a popup page; has specific parameters. You can:

    • Open the popup by calling the API (dnnsf.api.actionGrid.showGridPopup(420)) or by using Actions;
    • Close the popup by calling the API (dnnsf.api.actionGrid.hideGridPopup(420))
  • Manual - grid will be shown after manual action; you can:

    • Open the popup by calling the API (dnnsf.api.actionGrid.showGridPopup(420));
    • Close the popup by calling the API (dnnsf.api.actionGrid.hideGridPopup(420))
  • Popup Width - define the popup window width (numeric field)
  • Width Coordinate - define the popup window width unit (px, percentage, or vw)
  • Popup Name - This will be displayed as modal title. Supports Tokens.

Enable Row Tooltip

If checked, allows you to configure a tooltip row that will be displayed with your Grid.

  • Specific parameters:
ParameterDescription and NotesSupports Tokens/HTML
Tooltip TitleDefine tooltip title.
Tooltip ContentEditor field. Define the contents of your tooltip.
Tooltip PlacementPossible values: Top, Left, Right, Bottom. The placement is only applied when the page layout allows it. Otherwise, the tooltip is displays in the direction that is most visible to the user.
Tooltip Height(px)In px. Accepts only integer values between 0-500. For default adjusting set it to: 0.
Tooltip Width(px)In px. Accepts only integer values between 0-500. For default adjusting set it to: 0.
Tooltip Data TriggerAction the triggers the tooltip; mouse Click or mouse Hover.
IconChoose the tooltip icon. Uses Font Awesome version 6.2 classes to label the button with icons (fa-*shortcode*). You can use 4 different styles - Solid (fas), Regular (far), Light (fal) and Brands (fab). Example:(fas fa-*shortcode*).
Icon PositionTooltip icon position in regards to the cusrosor: Right or Left.
Visible in edit modeIf checked, enables the option so that the tooltips be displayed in the grid, in inline edit mode.

Message for empty grid

Define the message to be displayed when the returned data grid is empty. Supports Tokens & HTML.

Hide empty grid

If this is enabled, Listing will be invisible if there is no data to be shown.

Check to enable the Search field (default). If search is disabled, the search box is hidden, even if there are fields marked as searchable.

Check to only display data when the user has provided the search terms.

Search Placeholder

The text is displayed in the search input field before the user enters a value. The "search.placeholder" parameter value from the .resx file will be used if this field is empty. This field supports Tokens.

Search Delay

Define the delay after the Grid starts the search request, in milliseconds. Accepts values between 0 and 3000.

Enable Filters

If checked (default), will display the filter buttons and dropdowns. Note that if disabled, the filters are hidden, even if there are fields marked as filterable.

Sync with URL

Enable this option to sync URL with current sort, pagination and filters. Useful for navigating back using browser button, bookmarking, sharing and integrating with other modules.

Query String Prefix

If there are multiple listing modules on the page, the prefix helps differentiate which parameters reflect to this module. Otherwise, the 2 modules will use the same parameters, which could result in unwanted behavior. The url will change from: <yourapp>.com/?page=1, to: <yourapp>.com/<prefix>page=1

Lock into Edit Mode

Check this box in order for the Grid to always display in inline edit mode. Note that item itself and the Grid button will not be available when this option is enabled.

Include FontAwesome

Allow the use of Font Awesome version 6.2 classes icons. Enabled by default; uncheck to prevent Font Awesome from being loaded on the page.

Debug Mode

Check this box to log detailed debug information in the <PortalHome>/Logs/ActionGrid folder.

Root CSS Classes

Allows you to add custom CSS classes (attributes used to define a group of HTML elements in order to apply unique styling and formatting to those elements with CSS) to further refine the form display. You can load multiple such classes, separating them with a space. This field also supports Tokens.

Refresh when a modal/popup is closed

Check this option box to refresh this Listing when a Boostrap modal is closed.

Show loading animation

Uncheck to hide the CSS loading animation of the Listing; enabled by default.

Advanced UI Settings

These are advanced UI configuration settings that allow you to further refine your data Grid display.

Additional HTML Header

HTML editor that allows you to create a specific, custom header for your data Grid. Supports Tokens.

On Init Javascript

Javascript editor in which you can define a script to be executed on data Init (see the way data is loaded in Plant an App here). Gives access to the settings JS variable. Supports Tokens.

On DataSource Load/Refresh Javascript

Javascript editor in which you can define a script to be executed on data Load or Refresh (see the way data is loaded in Plant an App here). Gives access to the settings and resultSet JS variable. Supports Tokens.


Checking this box will generate an embeddable code snippet that will allow you to integrate your data Grid on external pages. Note that this has limitations; reade more about it here.


The "Popup" functionality will not work in embedded Grids (i.e., for "Open a Form in Popup", "Open fileManager in Popup", etc.).

Tabs Integration

Settings linked to the data Grid integration in the Plant an App Tabs module.

Load When Tab Is Activated

Check this box to initialize when the Tab is active.

Refresh Grid When Tab Is Activated

Check this box to refresh the data Grid when the Tab is active.

Trigger loading animation

Check this box to trigger the Tabs loading animation from Listing.

Javascript APIs

API call reference that allows you to interact with the data Grid from inside the web browser. They are loaded through the actiongrid.js file.

  • dnnsf.api.actionGrid.refresh(moduleId, delay) - Forces a data refresh from back-end; the delay is set in milliseconds.
  • dnnsf.api.actionGrid.showGridOrPopup(moduleId, modalSettings, clearGridQueryString) - Shows Grid set: "Manual" or "In Popup".
  • dnnsf.api.actionGrid.showGrid(moduleId, clearGridQueryString) - Shows Grid set to: "Manual"; "clearGridQueryString" is boolean. -** dnnsf.api.actionGrid.showGridPopup(moduleId, modalSettings, clearGridQueryString)** - Display: "In Popup"; modalSettings is an object consisting of modal settings from Bootstrap 3; clearGridQueryString is boolean.
  • dnnsf.api.actionGrid.hideGridOrPopup(moduleId) - Hides grid display, "Manual" or "In Popup".
  • dnnsf.api.actionGrid.hideGrid(moduleId) - Hides grid display: "Manual"
  • dnnsf.api.actionGrid.hideGridPopup(moduleId) - Hides grid display: "In Popup"
  • dnnsf.api.actionGrid.clearGridQueryString(moduleId) - This method will look for parameters in the URL that contains the predefined moduleId, deletes them and replaces the URL.

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