Group Title | | No | None |
Entry title | | No | None |
Account Key | The value set to WebAuthenticationDetail.ParentCredential.Key. Please refer to Fedex documentation for additional information. | No | None |
Account Password | The value set to WebAuthenticationDetail.ParentCredential.Password. Please refer to Fedex documentation for additional information. | No | None |
Application Key | The value set to WebAuthenticationDetail.UserCredential.Key. Please refer to Fedex documentation for additional information. | No | None |
Application Password | The value set to WebAuthenticationDetail.UserCredential.Password. Please refer to Fedex documentation for additional information. | No | None |
EntryId Token Name | Specify a token name to save the EntryId response into. You can access it later using the token syntax, for example [MyNamedEntryIdToken] | No | None |