Create List from a CSV source
Citizen Developer
Skill Prerequisites:
Using Form Builder
This action creates a list in the current context from a CSV list loaded in context. This could be from a form field, or other actions such as Inject Data. You can find the number of loaded list items in the [<ListName>:Count]
This creates a list that can be used ONLY in the current context. This does not create a Plant an App Entity.
Typical Use Cases
- Load values from a CSV list provided by a user in a Large Text form field and then use Execute Actions for each List Entry to run the same actions on each item in the list.
- Use in
to Load values from a CSV list passed in a token and then use Execute Actions for each List Entry to run the same actions on each item in the list.
Don't use it to
- Serialize data to create a CSV file. Use the
Serialize to CSV
action instead.
Related Actions
Action Name | Description |
Execute Actions for each List Entry | Execute a list of actions on each item in the specified context list. Use this to process the items loaded in the list created. |
Extend Object Properties | Extends a list with new properties. |
Input Parameter Reference
The parameters unique to this action are listed below. Review the common parameters for all actions here.
Parameter | Description | Supports Tokens | Default | Required |
CSV | A CSV list that will be used to create the entity. If using on a form this could be a field token for a large text field or a list of tokens separated by the selected delimiter below. | Yes | empty string | Yes |
Field Separator | The delimiter value used in the provided list. Left unselected, this will default to comma. You can use the expression setting (EXPR button) to dynamically pass a delimiter to the action. When using a token, it's value must be either the punctuation mark (i.e. ';') or the noun that describes that punctuation mark (i.e. 'semicolon') and be one of the options listed in the dropdown (comma, semicolon, tab, pipe, colon). Tab must be passed as 'tab'. | No | comma | No |
List Name | Provide a name for the list being created. This name can be used in the [Execute Actions for each List Entry action to reference the items in the list using [ListName:PropertyName] token syntax. | Yes | empty string | Yes |
Use first row as column names | Use the first row of the CSV list as column names. If this option is not checked the entity will be assigned 0 based index column names as Field + Index . e.g., Field0, Field1, Field2, etc. | No | false | No |
On Error | Specify a list of actions to run on error. Otherwise, an error message is returned which will contain the underlying error if debug mode is on. | Yes | None Specified | No |