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Send DNN Message

Send a message using DNN Messaging system to an user, role or multiple users/roles. This inherits the behavior and the settings from DNN Messaging system.

Parameter Reference

ParameterDescriptionSupports TokensDefault
FromLeave empty to use the system default. Can contain tokens (for example [Email]) and My Tokens.YesNone
ToInput Usernames or UserIDs. Separate multiple recipients by semicolon ";" or comma ",". Can contain tokens (for example [Email]) and My Tokens.YesNone
To RolesONLY SuperUsers, Administrators and group members(on Evoq) can send message to roles! Input RoleNames or RoleIDs. Separate multiple recipients by semicolon ";" or comma "," when using expressions. Can contain tokens (for example [Email]) and My Tokens.YesNone
SubjectCan contain tokens (for example [Email]) and My Tokens.YesNone
BodyCan contain tokens (for example [Email]) and My Tokens.YesNone
Attach Portal FilesNoNone
Attach File FieldSelect an upload field to send as attachment.NoNone
Attach from TokenThis lets you compute file path from token. It must be relative to portal home folder.Can contain tokens (for example [Email]) and My Tokens. Multiple items must be separated by semicolons.YesNone
Message Id TokenOptionally provide a token to store the sent Message ID.NoNone