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Version: 1.25

Add Date Time Picker

This action will add a Date Time Picker to the specified dynamic container.

Parameter Reference

ParameterDescriptionSupports TokensDefault
Container IdThis is the Container Id to place this hidden field into. Eg. Add a Dynamic Field Container having id DynamicFieldContainer. "DynamicFieldContainer" is the ID of the field. Supports Tokens.NoNone
Field IdRequired. Give this field an id so you can reference it later. Supports Tokens.NoNone
Field DescriptionGive this field a description. Supports Tokens.NoNone
Field TitleGive this field an title/name which is a label. Supports Tokens.NoNone
Initial ValueProvide a date for preload. Hint: When initializing from Run SQL Query Action you need to use the new tokens that are generated by the action for date/datetime/datetime2/datetimeoffset columns: [<column>:ISO], [<column>:ISODate] or [<column>:ISOAsUtc]. More info in the Run SQL Query action help text. Supports Tokens.NoNone
Client FormatThe format that will be displayed to the user.Date/DateTime picker format strings or Time picker format strings. Supports Tokens.NoNone
Picker TypeNodateandtime
Disable DatesDisable every date in the future or every date in the past.Nonone
First Day of the WeekNosunday
Disable WeekendsCheck this to disable saturdays and sundays.Nofalse
InlineCalendar is visible without clicking inside the field.Nofalse
Timepicker 24 hour modeDisplays time picker in 24 hour mode without AM/PM selection when enabled.Nofalse
Minimum DateThe minimum date that a user can start picking from (inclusive). Format: yyyy-MM-dd. Supports Tokens.NoNone
Maximum DateThe maximum date that a user can pick to (inclusive). Format: yyyy-MM-dd. Supports Tokens.NoNone
Minimum TimeThe minimum time that a user can start picking from (inclusive). Format: HH:mm. Supports Tokens.NoNone
Maximum TimeThe maximum time that a user can pick to (inclusive). Format: HH:mm. Supports Tokens.NoNone
Minute IncrementAdjusts the step for the minute input (incl. scrolling). Defaults to 5.No5
Bind Expression - ShowDynamically show or hide this field. This must be a boolean expression. Use standard javascript boolean operators (==, !=, <,> , !). For example, use [PaymentMethod] == 'CreditCard' to show the credit card field only when the Payment Method is set accordingly. Supports Tokens.NoNone
Preserve Layout?Check this box in order to make sure hiding/showing fields will not affect the layout of the form.NoNone
Bind Expression - ValueDynamically compute the value of this field. So when other fields change this fields updates automatically. Use standard javascript operators where needed (+, -, *, /). For example, use [FirstName] ' ' [LastName] to automatically fill the Display Name field. Note that once the value is edited manually, the automatic synchronization stops. Supports Tokens.NoNone
Bind Expression - On Change/ClickBind some javascript code to execute when the value in this field changes or when a button is clicked. Access the form fields by using syntax [FieldId] which maps to the js object form.fields.FieldId.value. For buttons, you can "return false;" to prevent the form from submitting. Supports Tokens.NoNone
Tokenize Bind Expressions?Check this box in order to tokenize the Bind Expressions fields. This is useful when you dynamically compute the id values so you need to tokenize and obtain the real IDs first.NoNone
Field ID Token NameSimilarly to normal fields, the ID is the name/inputted id sanitized. This means that if you dynamically generate id's, they might contain spaces or other invalid characters. For this, we output the sanitized id of the field. Give a name to this token which holds the sanitized ID.NoNone