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Version: 1.25

Add to campaign

Add a Lead to one or more campaigns.WARNING: We changed the way we connect to the Salesforce service. For security reasons please read this documentation entry to learn how to setup your account.

Parameter Reference

ParameterDescriptionSupports TokensDefault
CredentialsRequired. A valid Username, Password and Security Token must be passed to Salesforce in order to authenticate and establish a secure session.NoNone
Salesforce Entity TypeEntity, such as a Lead, a Case, a Contact, etc.NoNone
Entity IdThe entity id that will be added to the campaign. Can contain Tokens.NoNone
Campaign IdsA list of campaign ids separated by commas.NoNone
Campaign Member Token NameHere will be stored the id of the newly created binding between the entity and the campaign.NoNone
Campaign Member URL Token NameHere will be stored the URL to the newly created binding between the entity and the campaign.NoNone
On Successful AddDefine a list of actions that should execute when an entity is successfully added to a campaign.NoNone
On ErrorDefine a list of actions that should execute when this action's result is Error. You can use the [ErrorMessage] token to show the error message.NoNone