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Version: 1.25

Crawl Site

Audience: Citizen Developers

Skill Prerequisites: Tokens

This action crawls a website by following all links that match criteria. It is useful for extracting information from a site, indexing its content, or detecting changes in its structure.

Typical Use Cases

  • Extract information from a website for data analysis
  • Index a website's content for search functionality
  • Monitor a website for changes in its structure or content

Don't use it to

  • Scrape copyrighted content without permission
  • Overwhelm a website with excessive requests, which may lead to blacklisting

Input Parameter Reference

ParameterDescriptionSupports TokensDefaultRequired
Base URLThe base URL of the website to crawl. Make sure you are allowed to crawl the website.Yesempty stringYes
Follow LinksDetermines if the action should follow links from the page. The Process actions will be called for each individual page.YesfalseNo
Maximum PagesDetermines the maximum number of pages to crawl. Can contain Tokens.Yes0No
Ignore NoFollowLinks can specify a rel=nofollow attribute. This instructs the search engines not to get content from the respective pages. By ticking this option, those pages would be crawled as well.YesfalseNo
Include PathsList of paths to include in the crawl. If empty, the entire website is crawled. Can contain Tokens.Yesempty listNo
Exclude PathsList of paths to exclude from the crawl. Can contain Tokens.Yesempty listNo
ParallelizationNumber of parallel requests to make during the crawl. This will cause the crawler to be faster, but can lead to websites blacklisting the caller. Can contain Tokens.Yes1No
Pause Between RequestsTime in milliseconds to pause between requests. This setting has the purpose to avoid being blacklisted by websites and also control the processing intensity of crawling a site. Can contain Tokens.Yes0No
Process PageAction event to process each crawled page. The following tokens are available to access the content: [Crawler:RawHtml], [Crawler:PageTitle], [Crawler:PageUrl], [Crawler:RelativePath], [Crawler:LastModified]Yesempty eventNo
Modified SinceCrawl only pages modified since this date. Can contain Tokens.Yesempty stringNo

Output Parameters Reference

Store Crawled PagesA token containing the crawled pages as a list.
Store Crawled Pages JSONA token containing the crawled pages as JSON.
Store Number of Crawled PagesA token containing the number of crawled pages.


1. Example: Basic Web Crawl

This example crawls a website, following links and storing the crawled pages in a token.

"Id": -1,
"ActionErrorMessage": null,
"ActionType": "WebCrawler.CrawlSite",
"Condition": null,
"Description": null,
"IsDeleted": false,
"EventName": "",
"Parameters": {
"BaseUrl": "",
"FollowLinks": true,
"MaxPages": "100",
"IgnoreNoFollow": null,
"IncludePaths": [],
"ExcludePaths": [],
"Parallelization": "5",
"PauseBetweenRequests": "1000",
"ProcessPage": [],
"ModifiedSince": null,
"StoreCrawledPages": "crawledPages",
"StoreCrawledPagesJson": null,
"StoreNumberOfCrawledPages": null

For example, you can import this JSON content into a workflow using the "Import Actions" button.