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Version: 1.25

Run Executable

Runs an executable on the server. For example, to run command line instructions, write cmd.exe in the application field.

Parameter Reference

ParameterDescriptionSupports TokensDefault
ApplicationApplication to execute, for example cmd.exe. If the application is not the PATH of the system, then you need to supply to absolute path, for example c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe. Can contain context tokens (for example [ContextTokenName]) and My Tokens.YesNone
ArgumentsOptionally pass command line arguments to the application. For example, using cmd.exe with /c "echo test" parameters will output the word test. Can contain context tokens (for example [ContextTokenName]) and My Tokens.YesNone
Output Token NameOptionally provide a token name where to store the output generated by the executable. The token can be used in next actions down the stack.NoNone