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Version: 1.25

Set Up Search Behaviors

title: Setting Up Search Behaviors

description: Learn how to set up search behaviors in Plant an App to focus on specific languages or subsets of your website.


This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to set up search behaviors in Plant an App. Search behaviors allow you to focus on specific languages or subsets of your website when performing a search.


Before you begin, make sure you have the following:

  • Access to the Plant an App platform
  • A website with multiple pages with different content to be indexed.

Video to Accompany These Steps

Setting Up Search Behaviors

Step 1: Access the Configuration Search Page

  1. Log in to your Plant an App account.
  2. Navigate to the Configuration menu.
  3. Select the Search page.

Step 2: Add a New Behavior

  1. On the Configuration Search page, locate the current behavior.
  2. Click on the behavior and select "Add New Behavior."
  3. Give the new behavior a name, such as "English Search."

Step 3: Specify the Content Sources

  1. In the newly created behavior, go to the Content Sources section.
  2. Open the Portals Mapping Index PHP Folders option.
  3. Select the pages you want to include in this behavior (e.g., English pages).
  4. Save the changes to trigger a reindexing process.

Step 4: Verify the Behavior

  1. Perform a test search using the new behavior.
  2. Search for a specific keyword that is only present in the selected content sources.
  3. Verify that the search results only display the relevant pages.

Step 5: Create Additional Behaviors

  1. Repeat Steps 2-4 to create other search behaviors (e.g., "Spanish Search").
  2. In each behavior, specify the relevant content sources for that language or subset of your website.
  3. Save the changes and trigger reindexing for each behavior.
  1. Go to the page where you want to add search inputs for different behaviors.
  2. Add a module called "Search Input" to the page.
  3. Configure the search input module and give it a name (e.g., "English Search Input").
  4. Add additional search input modules for each behavior (e.g., "Spanish Search Input").
  5. Configure each search input module accordingly.
  6. Go back to the Configuration Search page and select the desired behavior.
  7. Link the search input module to the corresponding behavior in the Dashboard / Search Inputs section.
  8. Repeat this process for each behavior and search input module.
  9. Save the changes and trigger reindexing.

Step 7: Test the Search Inputs

  1. Refresh the page where the search inputs are located.
  2. Use each search input to perform a test search for a specific keyword.
  3. Verify that the search results only display the relevant content based on the behavior associated with the search input.


By following these steps, you can set up search behaviors in Plant an App to focus on specific languages or subsets of your website. This allows you to provide more targeted and relevant search results to your users.