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Version: 1.25


Audience: Citizen Developers

Skill Prerequisites: Tokens

This action uses the OpenAI Chat API to get responses from AI.

Typical Use Cases

  • Get AI-generated responses for chatbots
  • Generate text content based on user input
  • Implement AI-powered virtual assistants

Don't use it to

  • Replace human-generated content entirely
  • Process sensitive or private user data

None at the moment.

Input Parameter Reference

ParameterDescriptionSupports TokensDefaultRequired
OpenAi API KeyThe API key for Open AI.Yesempty stringYes
ModelChoose from the following models:
- gpt-3.5-turbo
- gpt-4
Yesempty stringYes
InstructionsProvide instructions on how the AI should handle the messages. A typical example is to say "You are an helpful support assistant".Yesempty stringYes
Previous MessagesIf you are implementing a conversation, pass the previous messages as JSON, e.g. [{"role": "user", "content": "Hello!"}].Yesempty stringNo
MessageThe message that will get sent to OpenAi. It can be plain text, or a JSON conversation that follows this format [{"role": "user", "content": "Hello!"}].Yesempty stringYes

Output Parameters Reference

Store Output MessageStores the AI-generated response in the specified token.
Store Entire Conversation JSONStores the entire JSON of messages exchanged between the user and the AI in the specified token.
Store Entire OutputStores the entire JSON response from OpenAI in the specified token.


1. Basic Chat

This example demonstrates how to use the Chat action to get a response from the AI. For example, you can import this JSON content into a workflow using the "Import Actions" button.

"Id": -1,
"ActionErrorMessage": null,
"ActionType": "OpenAi.Chat",
"Condition": null,
"Description": null,
"IsDeleted": false,
"EventName": "",
"Parameters": {
"ApiKey": null,
"Model": {
"IsExpression": false,
"Expression": null,
"Value": "gpt-3.5-turbo"
"Instructions": "You are an helpful support assistant.",
"PreviousMessageJson": null,
"Message": "How can I fix my printer?",
"StoreMessage": "AIResponse",
"StoreEntireConversationJson": null,
"StoreJsonResponse": null

This will send a message to the OpenAI API asking for help with a printer problem. The API response will be stored in the AIResponse token.