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Version: 1.25

Speech to Text (Whisper)

Audience: Citizen Developers

Skill Prerequisites: Tokens

This action extracts text from an audio file using the OpenAI Whisper API.

Typical Use Cases

  • Convert speech to text in an audio file
  • Transcribe audio recordings into written content

Don't use it to

  • Extract text from non-audio files
  • Transcribe audio content not supported by OpenAI Whisper


Input Parameter Reference

ParameterDescriptionSupports TokensDefaultRequired
OpenAi API KeyThe API key for Open AI.Yesempty stringYes
Audio fileIdentifier for the audio file. Can be: RelativeUrl, AbsoluteUrl, LinkClickUrl, or PhysicalPath.Yesempty stringYes
Response FormatChoose from the following: json, text, srt, verbose_json, vtt.YesjsonNo
PromptOptionally, provide additional instructions for OpenAi to use while creating the transcript.Yesempty stringNo

Output Parameters Reference

Output Token NameStores the extracted text in a token with the specified name.


1. Basic Example

Extract text from an audio file and store the result in a token named "Transcript".

"Id": -1,
"ActionErrorMessage": null,
"ActionType": "OpenAi.Whisper",
"Condition": null,
"Description": null,
"IsDeleted": false,
"EventName": "",
"Parameters": {
"ApiKey": "your_openai_api_key",
"AudioFileIdentifier": "path/to/your/audio/file.mp3",
"ResponseFormat": {
"IsExpression": false,
"Expression": null,
"Value": "text"
"Prompt": null,
"OutputTokenName": "Transcript"

For example, you can import this JSON content into a workflow using the "Import Actions" button.