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Version: 1.25

Clear Cache Item

Audience: Citizen Developers

Skill Prerequisites: System Administration

ASP.NET provides a cache where all components can save data. This action, depending on the options selected, will clear a specific cache item by specifying its cache key, a set of keys by specifying a cache prefix key, the entire server cache, Tabs cache for specific portals, or Portal cache for specific portals.

Action NameDescription
Clear User CacheThis option clears the user-level cache for users loaded into the current context when the action is called.

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Input Parameter Reference

The parameters unique to this action are listed below. Review the common parameters for all actions here.

ParameterDescriptionSupports TokensDefaultRequired
Clear All CacheClears the entire server cache. This is equal to clicking the Clear Cache button at PersonaBar > Settings > Servers.NofalseNo
Clear Tabs CacheClears all the tabs cache on the current portal or the portals specified in the Portal IDs field.NofalseNo
Clear Portal CacheClears the portal cache on the current portal or the portals specified in the Portal IDs field.NofalseNo
Portal IDsIf you selected Clear Tabs Cache or Clear Portal Cache, you have the option of specifying one or more portal ids, separated by commas, on which to clear the Tabs or Portal Cache.Noempty stringNo
Cache KeyThe cache key or partial key you wish to delete. If a partial key is supplied, all matching keys will be deleted. Can contain My Tokens. For example, Tab_Tabs will clear the tabs cache on aLL portals.Yesempty stringNo

Viewing The Server Cache

The Clear Cache Item action used to include a link the in inline help to load a listing of items cached on your server. For security reasons (potentially exposing your server cache to users without permission) that listing has been disabled indefinitely. However, at your discretion, you can create a page accessible only by roles with site administration privileges that will list your server cache. Follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Plant an App Configuration and navigate to Tokens in the left menu.

  2. Select an existing NameSpace or create a new one.

  3. Hover the NameSpace row and click the Create Token (plus icon) button.

  4. Provide a Token Name and Description

  5. Click on Definition and select Razor Script

  6. In the Code Language dropdown, select C#

  7. In the Script box paste this script:

    @{    foreach (System.Collections.DictionaryEntry cacheItem in System.Web.HttpRuntime.Cache) {

    var cacheStr = string.Format("<b>{0}</b>: {1}<br/>", cacheItem.Key, cacheItem.Value);
  8. Click Save & Test. Your new Token will load in the Test Tokens area below and your Cache List will load in the results box to the right.

  9. You can now use this token on a page of your choice in an HTML module. Make sure you go into the settings of the module, on the HTML Module Settings tab, and select the Replace Tokens option.


For the security of your site, the page where you list the server cache should only be accessible by users with Site Administration privileges. Set your page permissions accordingly.