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Version: 1.25

Clear User Cache

Audience: Citizen Developer

Skill Prerequisites: User Management

This action clears the user level cache for users loaded into the current context when the action is called. By default, this will be the currently logged in user unless a different user or list of users has been loaded into context.

Typical Use Cases

  • Clear the cache for a user or users after adding a new role for the user(s).
Action NameDescription
Load UserUse this action to load the user(s) for whom you wish to clear the user cache.
Load Users From SQLUse this action to load a user or users into context by running a query that returns a list of the User IDs, Emails, or user names of the user(s) for whom you wish to clear the user cache.

Input Parameter Reference

The parameters unique to this action are listed below. Review the common parameters for all actions here.

ParameterDescriptionSupports TokensDefaultRequired
UserUser ID, username, or email of the user for whom the cache needs refreshing.YesEmpty StringNo
Clear users loaded in contextEnable this option to also clear cache for all users loaded in context, for example, using the Load User action.YesEmpty StringNo