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Version: 1.25

User Registration

Audience: Citizen Developer

Skill Prerequisites: User Management

This action will create a new user account. The form must contain a username or email address. The password can be user-created via a password field or randomly generated. On successful registration, an output token called [NewUserId] is created. Also, the context user is changed to the new user, so you have access to [User:*] tokens such as: [User:UserID] or [User:FirstName].

Typical Use Cases

  • Use on a custom registration form to create the new user's account.
  • Use in a custom User Management Grid to add new users.

Don't use it to

Action NameDescription
Update User ProfileUpdates a user's extended profile properties. Use in conjunction with User Registration to capture all data from a registration form in the correct place in the database.
Send EmailSends an email to one or more recipients. Use to notify a user of successful registration and provide information regarding their new account.

Input Parameter Reference

The parameters unique to this action are listed below. Review the common parameters for all actions here.

ParameterDescriptionSupports TokensDefaultRequired
UserNameSelect the field that contains the new user's username or use expressions (EXPR button) to use a token.Yesempty stringNo
Register with emailWhen this option is enabled, the email field selected will be used as the username for registration.NofalseNo
PasswordSelect a form field from the dropdown to use as the password for the new user or use expressions (EXPR button) to input a custom password or a token.YesNot SelectedNo
Generate random passwordWhen this option is enabled, a random password is generated and stored in a context token called [RegRandomPass] to be used in subsequent actions. This token can be used in an email action to send the password to the new user.NofalseNo
EmailSelect a form field from the dropdown to use as the Email for the new user or use expressions (EXPR button) to use a token.YesNot SelectedNo
First NameSelect a form field from the dropdown to update the First Name of the user or use expressions (EXPR button) to use a token.YesNot SelectedNo
Last NameSelect a form field from the dropdown to update the Last Name of the user or use expressions (EXPR button) to use a token.YesNot SelectedNo
Send standard DNN registration emailWhen this option is enabled, our module will use the standard registration email as set in DNN. For custom emails, disable this option and add a Send Email action.NofalseNo
Login if user already existsWhen this option is enabled, instead of showing a "user already exists" error, this action will attempt to authenticate the user using the username and password provided. If authentication is successful, then subsequent actions are executed.NofalseNo
Authorize users who register with this formWhen Authorize is selected, users that successfully register with this form will also be authorized. Selecting Inherit DNN Settings will use the standard DNN Setting for Authorizing new users. Select Don't Authorize if authorization is handled later, such as after a user clicks an email verification link.NoNot SelectedNo