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Version: 1.25

Create List from JSON

Audience: Citizen Developer

Skill Prerequisites: Using Form Builder

This action creates a list in the current context from a provided JSON input string (JSONModel). This could be from a form field, or other actions such as a Server Request action. You can find the number of loaded list items in the [<ListName>:Count] token.


This creates an entity that can be used ONLY in the current context. This does not create a Plant an App Entity.

Typical Use Cases

  • Load values from a JSON response to a Server Request action into an entity.
  • Use in Automation to Load values from a JSON string passed in a token and then use Execute Actions for each List Entry to run the same actions on each item in the list.

Don't use it to

  • Parse JSON. Use the Parse JSON Into Tokens action instead.
Action NameDescription
Execute Actions for each List Entry Execute a list of actions on each item in the specified context list. Use this to process the items loaded in the list created.
Extend Object PropertiesExtends a list with new properties.

Input Parameter Reference

The parameters unique to this action are listed below. Review the common parameters for all actions here.

ParameterDescriptionSupports TokensDefaultRequired
JSON ModelA JSON string that will be parsed and used to create the entity.Yesempty stringYes
List NameProvide a name for the list being created. This name can be used in the Execute Actions for each List Entry action to reference the items in the list using [ListName:PropertyName] token syntax.Yesempty stringYes
On ErrorSpecify a list of actions to run on error. Otherwise, an error message is returned which will contain the underlying error if debug mode is on.YesNone SpecifiedNo