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Version: 1.25

Remap List

Create/Overwrite a list by remapping the properties of a list using a mapping object.

Parameter Reference

ParameterDescriptionSupports TokensDefault
Source ListName the list you wish to load values from. Can contain My Tokens.YesNone
Mapping ListThis list contains two columns, one for the source property and one for the target property. Each list entry defines the relation between a property of the source list and a property of the target list. Can contain My Tokens.YesNone
Mapping List - Source PropertyThe property name from the mapping list that represents the property name from the source list. Can contain My Tokens.YesNone
Mapping List - Target PropertyThe property name from the mapping list that represents the target name to be stored into the result list. Can contain My Tokens.YesNone
Additional PropertiesProvide a list of additional properties to add to the resulting list.NoNone
Result List NameName the result list so you can reference it later by name. Can contain My Tokens.YesNone