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Version: 1.24

Send Tracked Email

Sends an email and tracks open and click rates. Use Action Grid with "Marketing Campaigns" datasource to view reports.

Parameter Reference

ParameterDescriptionSupports TokensDefault
Campaign NameViews and clicks coming from this email are reported in this campaign. Note that you can have multiple emails belonging to same campaign. Can contain form tokens (for example [FieldId]) and My Tokens.YesNone
Email IdentifierIf your campaign contains multiple emails, use this field to differentiate between them. Can contain form tokens (for example [FieldId]) and My Tokens.YesNone
Send MethodBy default, emails are added to a queue and processed via Sharp Scheduler when the application is Idle.NoQueue
FromLeave empty to use the system default. Can contain form tokens (for example [Email]) and My Tokens.YesNone
Determine Email AutomaticallyAction Form will determine email based on currently logged in user.NoNone
ToSeparate multiple recipients by semicolon ";". Can contain form tokens (for example [Email]) and My Tokens.YesNone
Send mail to all usersSend mail to all users from the context. When this is checked the To field should be empty. In case it is not empty, beware that tokens form the 'User' namespace will have unexpected values.NoNone
Reply ToSeparate multiple recipients by semicolon ";". Can contain form tokens (for example [Email]) and My Tokens.YesNone
CCSeparate multiple recipients by semicolon ";". Can contain form tokens (for example [Email]) and My Tokens.YesNone
BCCSeparate multiple recipients by semicolon ";". Can contain form tokens (for example [Email]) and My Tokens.YesNone
SubjectCan contain form tokens (for example [Email]) and My Tokens.YesNone
DNN email template to use.Get subject and body of email from template.NoNone
BodyCan contain form tokens (for example [Email]) and My Tokens.YesNone
HeadersAppend custom headers to the email. Can contain form tokens (for example [Email]) and My Tokens.YesNone
Attach Portal FilesNoNone
Attach Field #1Select an upload field to send as attachmentNoNone
Attach Field #2Select an upload field to send as attachmentNoNone
Attach Field #3Select an upload field to send as attachmentNoNone
Attach Field #4Select an upload field to send as attachmentNoNone
Attach Field #5Select an upload field to send as attachmentNoNone
Attach from TokenThis lets you compute file path from token. It must be relative to portal home folder. Can contain form tokens (for example [Email]) and My Tokens. Multiple items must be separated by semicolons.YesNone
Ignore ErrorsIf errors are ignored, the submission of the form continues even when there is an error sending the email. Otherwise, an error message will be displayed to the user. Note that if the email is being sent async or is placed in a pickup folder, errors won't be caught.NoNone