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Version: 1.25

Update Mailchimp Member

Updates a Mailchimp Member's GDPR options.

Parameter Reference

ParameterDescriptionSupports TokensDefault
API KeyGet an API Key from MailChimp (under Account > Extra > API Keys). Supports My TokensYesNone
List Name or IdThe value will be used to query Mailchimp lists by id then by name. The name must be exactly as it appears in Mailchimp. Supports tokens and My TokensYesNone
Email FieldWhich of the email fields should be used to subscribe to mailchimp?NoNone
Email FieldWhich of the email fields should be used to subscribe to mailchimp? Supports tokens and My Tokens.YesNone
Email FieldWhich of the email fields should be used to subscribe to mailchimp?NoNone
GDPR PermissionsThese are the GDPR permissions that you set in your email list. In the Field Name you must provide exactly the name of the permission as it is found on your developer account. If you enable expressions the status field must evaluate to true/false.NoNone
Continue on errorYou can check this if you need to execute the actions that follows this one when an error occures.NoNone
Error token nameThe name of the token that will be populated with the error message.NoNone
Enable debugNoNone