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Version: 1.25

Automation Job Triggers

Below is a list of automation job triggers handled by Plant an App, by category. They are used in the Jobs context.

App Events

App EndActivated when an application is shutdown by IIS.
App ErrorFires when an unhandled exception is thrown; in the job context, the tokens [Exception], [ExceptionType], [ExceptionMessage] and [ExceptionStack] will be available with details of the error.
App IdleTriggered when the application uses the CPU less than the threshold set. Useful to run background tasks that are not time critical.
Has specific parameters (see below).
App StartThis trigger fires once after an application (re)start.
Begin RequestThis trigger fires at the beginning of every request.
End RequestThis trigger fires at the end of every request.

App Idle triggers specific parameters

  • CPU Idle Threshold - Allows definition of a CPU consumption percentage under which it will be considered at idle. Supported range: 20% (min) to 60% (max). This field supports tokens (see Tokens section).
  • Ideal CPU Frequency - Defines the frequency with which this trigger fires if the CPU is at idle. Minimum frequency is 1 second. This field supports tokens (see Tokens section).
  • Maximum delay - Specify the number of seconds that this trigger will wait if the CPU is busy at the moment of the Ideal Frequency (see above). The default and minimum value is 1 second. The trigger will always fire at the end of this period regardless of CPU load. This field supports This field supports tokens (see Tokens section).
  • Skip If Running - Checking this option will cause the automation to skip executing this Job as long as the last execution is still in progress. This ensures that the job will not have multiple instances running in parallel.


TriggerDescription and details
On Database DeleteFires when data is deleted from a predefined table. The job is fired once for every row that was deleted. Tokens are built automatically using column names, so you can reference the deleted row values inside actions using [ColumnName:Before] token syntax.
On Database InsertActivates when data is inserted into a predefined table. The job is fired once for every row that was inserted. Tokens are built automatically using column names, so you can reference inserted values inside actions using the [ColumnName] token syntax.
The trigger also generates a token containing a JSON object with all the row data. You can reference it by using the [Row:JsonData] token.
On Database UpdateActivates when data is updated in a predefined table. The job is fired once for every row that was inserted. Tokens are built automatically using column names, so you can reference inserted values inside actions using the [ColumnName] token syntax.
The original value is available using the [ColumnName:Before] syntax. The trigger also generates a token containing a JSON object with all the row data (with the old and new values). You can reference it by using the [Row:JsonData] token.
If you need the JSON containing only the columns where data was actually modified, use the [Row:ModifiedJsonData] token.
On Database Update ColumnActivates when data is updated in a named column. The job is fired once for every row that was inserted. Tokens are built automatically using column names, so you can reference inserted values inside actions using the [ColumnName] token syntax.
The original value is available using the [ColumnName:Before] syntax .The trigger also generates a token containing a JSON object with all the row data (with the old and new values). You can reference it by using the [Row:JsonData] token.
If you need the JSON containing only the columns where data was actually modified, use the [Row:ModifiedJsonData] token.

Be careful when using a Trigger that updates and executes an Action (e.g. Run SQL Query) on the same table; it might recursively trigger the Action, resulting in database timeouts.


TriggerDescription and details
Cron Trigger (advanced)Create a time trigger using a Cron Expression syntax. Specify time in UTC.
. This field supports tokens (see Tokens section).
One TimeA trigger that will fire once, at a specified date and time (in UTC).
Repeat DailyA trigger that fires every day at the specified time (in UTC).
Repeat on IntervalCreate a trigger that will fire regularly, at a predefined interval. Set the First Run date and time (in UTC - the subsequent run times will be calculated from this reference point), the repeat Interval (integer) and the repeat time unit (Seconds, Minutes, Hours or Days).

Time triggers specific parameters

  • Skip If Running - Checking this option will cause the automation to skip executing this Job as long as the last execution is still in progress. This ensures that the job will not have multiple instances running in parallel (does not apply to the One Time Trigger).
  • On Misfire - Determines what should be done if the precise time when the trigger should have been fired was missed, for example because all other threads were busy with other jobs. The two possible values are: Run Now or Do Nothing.


TriggerDescription and details
User AutoLogin EventListens to the Plant an App AutoLogin events. The [User:*] tokens can be used to identify the account that was just logged in, and the [ImpersonatorUserId] token to identify the user that triggered the AutoLogin, if any. Otherwise its value is -1.
User CreatedActivates when a new user is created. Tokens with user information are automatically added to the present context (such as [UserID], [Username], [FirstName], [LastName], [Email] or [DisplayName]).
User Login EventListens to the Plant an App user authenticated events. The [User:*] tokens can be used to identify the user that was just logged in.