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Version: 1.26 (Current)

Special Forms Tokens

This article details the special tokens available when working with forms in the Action Form module. These tokens provide useful information about form submissions, user details, and interaction context, enabling advanced functionalities and interoperability.

Available Special Tokens

Basic Tokens

These tokens provide essential information about the form submission and its context.

_CurrentActionIDUnique identifier for the current action.7856
_ReferrerThe URL from which the user arrived at the form.
_UserIpThe IP address of the user.
_TimeZoneOffsetThe user's time zone offset from UTC, in minutes.300
_FormUrlFull URL where the form is hosted.
_FormUrlRelativeRelative URL where the form is hosted./en-us/Tests/Support-Center-2024/09/Document-the-special-forms-tokens
_ReportKeyUnique ID that identifies the current submission, used for edit functionality.bf80c017-23e4-4ff8-ba52-f43480917aa3
_EditUrlURL to edit the current submission at a later time.
_IsNewBoolean flag that is true when the form is submitted for the first time.true
_IsEditBoolean flag that is true when the form is being edited (using _EditUrl or Action Grid).false
_ReportEntryIdUnique identifier of the report entry associated with the form submission.335

Query String Tokens

These tokens are parsed from the query string of the URL that the form submission came from.

QueryString:openModeSpecifies the mode in which the form was opened.Always
QueryString:languageThe language setting from the query string.en-US
QueryString:_A timestamp or unique identifier.1725468460255
QueryString:eventThe event that triggered the form
QueryString:b(Reserved QueryString Value; do not use this in your form implementation)5851
QueryString:referrerThe referrer URL from the query string.
QueryString:_urlThe URL specified in the query string.

Usage Scenarios

  1. Form Validation and Custom Actions:

    • You can use _UserIp to perform location-based validation or actions.
    • Utilize _ReportKey and _EditUrl to implement edit functionalities and create unique workflows.
  2. Tracking and Analytics:

    • Track where users are coming from using _Referrer.
    • Analyze user engagement time using _TimeZoneOffset.
  3. Conditional Logic:

    • Use _IsNew and _IsEdit tokens to implement conditional logic based on whether the form is being submitted for the first time or being edited.


Special forms tokens in the Action Form module provide a mechanism to capture and utilize metadata about form submissions. By leveraging these tokens, you can create more dynamic, responsive, and intelligent forms that cater to complex business processes and user scenarios.