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Version: 1.24

MEO Server Configuration

Audience: Citizen devs System/Security Administrators

Skill Prerequisites: System Administration and Maintenance

This section covers the backend/server configuration of the Multi-Environment Orchestrator. Configuration is split between the env file (basic, mandatory configuration) and the appsettings.override.json (advanced, optional configuration).


For the MEO client side/UI interface configuration that covers topics such as the GIT access and payload management, please see the MEO UI Configuration page.

.env file configuration

The .env file contains the mandatory configuration of the Multi-Environment Orchestrator.

The following parameters need to be configured before the installation process takes place:

MULTI_ENV_DOCKER_TAGTag of the MEO image version to be downloaded. Default value: "latest" (latest version). Please do not modify unless specifically required.
http_portDefine the HTTP port which is mapped on the MEO host machine and allows it to communicate with the Plant an App machine. Please see the MEO Prerequisites page for information regarding whether you should choose HTTP or HTTPS.
https_portDefine the HTTPS port which is mapped on the MEO host machine and allows it to communicate with the Plant an App machine. Please see the MEO Prerequisites page for information regarding whether you should choose HTTP or HTTPS.
MultiEnvGitDataEncKeyDefine the Encryption key; must be a 32 characters (fixed!) ASCII printable ASCII printable string.
MultiEnvDbConnectionDefine the connection string to the MEO Environment Orchestrator database (address, DB name, user ID and password).
MultiEnvAuthDbConnectionDefine the connection string to the MEO Identity Provider database (address, DB name, user ID and password).
HttpsRedirectActivate (true) or deactivate (false) the use of HTTPS.
HttpsCertFolderPath to the TLS certificate; if HttpsRedirect is set to false, must be defined as: "./".
HttpsCertFileNameThe TLS certificate filename; must be empty if HttpsRedirect is set to: false.
HttpsCertPasswordTLS certificate password; must be empty if HttpsRedirect is set to: false.
AppConfigFolderPath to the folder of the appsettings.override.json file allows to define specific advanced parameters; if not used, set value to "./" (see the appsettings.override.json file configuration section below for more information).
RepoFolderDefine the MEO repository folder; it will be used to store the file structure of your Plant an App apps. The path can be local or remote, but it must be accessible from the MEO server.
LogsFolderDefine the MEO log folder. The path can be local or remote, but it must be accessible from the MEO server.
SqlUseManagedNetworkingOnWindowsParameter required for the Docker container; please do not modify.

If the contents of the .env file are modified, a MEO restart is required in order for the changes to take effect:

RunPlantanapp.ps1 -Restart

For more information about the RunPlantanapp.ps1 control script, please see the following section: MEO Server setup and installation > MEO status control.

appsettings.override.json file configuration

This is an advanced configuration file that allows certain application parameters from the appsettings.json file found on the MEO Docker image to be ovewritten. Only modify this file if specifically required to.

A list of the editable parameters in the file can be found below.

ParameterDescription and information
MultiEnvConnectionConnection string to the MEO Environment Orchestrator. Same parameter as MultiEnvDbConnection from the env file (see section above). Note that the value from the env file takes precedence.
MultiEnvAuthConnectionConnection string to the MEO Identity Provider. Same parameter as MultiEnvAuthDbConnection from the env file (see section above). Note that the value from the env file takes precedence.
JobRunnersCountDefine how many jobs are allowed to run in parallel per queue (there is one unique queue by app name). Set this value according to your needs and hardweare processing power.
IdleQueueTimeToDeleteInMinTime in minutes after which an inactive queue (no new jobs or job updates) is deleted from memory. Default value: 10.
KeepFinishedJobsTimeInMinAmount of time (in minutes) that a finished job is kept in memory. Default value: 1440 (24 hours).
LocalFilesBaseDirThis is the Docker image folder where payload to be pushed to your SVC is stored. Modify only if specifically needed.
OriginDefault GIT URL. Please see here for further details.
MainBranchName of the SVC main branch. Modify only if specifically needed (defaults to: main).
CommitterUsernamePayload committer username; will only be used if the payload doesn't specify one. Please see here for further details.
CommitterEmailPayload committer email address; will only be used if the payload doesn't specify one. Please see here for further details.
InitialCommitDefaultMessagePayload default message (a descriptive text that is added to the initial commit object by the developer who made the commit); will only be used if the payload doesn't specify one.

If the contents of the appsettings.override.json file are modified, a MEO restart is required in order for the changes to take effect:

RunPlantanapp.ps1 -Restart

For more information about the RunPlantanapp.ps1 control script, please see the following section: MEO Server setup and installation > MEO status control.