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Version: 1.26 (Current)

Change Tab And Continue Execution

Audience: Citizen Developer

Skill Prerequisites: Using Form Builder

This action allows you to change the active tab in a Tabs module on a Form or Grid’s button click.

Actions Covered by this Document

Tabs Change Tab And Continue ExecutionChanges the specified Tabs module to the specified tab and then continues to subsequent actions on the button and submission.
Tabs Change Tab And Stop ExecutionChanges the specified Tabs module to the specified tab and then stops further execution of both subsequent actions and HTTP Post submission.

Input Parameter Reference

The parameters unique to this action are listed below. Review the common parameters for all actions here.

ParameterDescriptionSupports TokensDefaultRequired
Tabs ModuleSelect the Tabs module for which the active tab will be changed. if an expression is passed you will need to pass the Tabs ModuleIDYesEmpty StringNo
TabSelect the tab you wish to make active; if an expression is passed you will need to pass the Tabs tabIDYesEmpty StringNo
Evaluate StateThis option evaluates the state of the Tabs tabs prior to changing the tabNoUncheckedNo
QueryString ParametersOptionally, you can enter Name and Value pairs that will be passed to the Tabs module. Any Form modules present in the tab can reference these values using the [QueryString:Parameter] token syntax.NoUncheckedNo