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Version: 1.26 (Current)

Filter Listing

Audience: Citizen Developers

Skill Prerequisites: Using Listing

This action refreshes a Listing module without page reload (if it’s on the same page) with the option to change sorting, pagination, and filtering.

Typical Use Cases

  • Use a Form to filter and/or sort a Listing

Input Parameter Reference

ParameterDescriptionSupports TokensDefaultRequired
Select ModuleSelect the Listing Module you wish to filterNoNone SelectedNo
Current PageLeave empty to keep the current pageYesEmpty StringNo
Page SizeSelect the number of elements(rows) that will be shown in the ListingYesNoneNo
Sort BySelect the field to sort by. Ascending is the default but you can select Descending using the checkboxYesAscendingNo
Search TermsThe listing will automatically search for the characters passed by this fieldYesUncheckedNo
FiltersAllows the grid to be filtered using multiple criteriaYesNoneNo
Replace FiltersBy default, filters are merged with existing filtering, if any. Use this option to replace all filtersNoUncheckedNo
Additional DataProvide additional values that will be passed to the grid via query string. You can reference them using [$] syntax.YesNoneNo

Output Parameter Reference

Store Absolute URLOptionally provide a token name where to Store Absolute URL. The token can be used in next actions down the stack.
Store Relative URLOptionally provide a token name where to Store Relative URL. The token can be used in next actions down the stack.
Action NameDescription
Refresh Listing Refresh a Listing module without page reload with the option to change sorting, pagination, and filtering.

[//]: # (Will need to verify the links once the documentation for filter and data source refresh are completed.)