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Version: 1.25 (Current)


A common and versatile field in creating Forms, the Text field has several options useful variations:

Note that only the field-specific parameters will be listed below. Please see here for a list of common parameters to all fields and here for the common configuration elements to all fields.


Allows the insertion of a single checkbox to the Form.

  • Specific parameters
FieldDescription and information
Initial AmountThe field will initialize with the value specified here. Supports Tokens so you can pull data from various sources.
Initial CurrencyChoose the currency from the list. When more than one currency is specified, the field will initialize with the currency specified here. Supports Tokens so you can pull data from various sources.
Currency symbol positionBefore of After the amount.
Currency symbolChoose the currency symbol from: Symbol, Narrow Symbol and Three Letter Code. Supports Tokens.
PrecisionDefine how many decimal places are allowed.
Number FormatChoose where the regionalization currency format is recovered from:
  • Browser
  • Portal
  • User Profile
  • Specific (will allow you to defined it below)
  • Minimum Enforced ValueDefine what types of values are allowed (Negative, Positive or Strictly Positive).
    When using the Expression button (to the right) the supported values are: 'negative', 'positive', 'strictlypositive'.
    Save to ReportChecking this box automatically saves the value from this Field into the database, under the avtActionForm_Reports table.

    Large Text

    A field that will hold large text input.

    • Specific parameters
    FieldDescription and information
    Initial ValueSet the initial value that will be loaded to the text box. Supports Tokens so you can pull data from various sources such as user profile. Can also be left empty.
    RowsNumber of text rows/lines allowed.
    ReadonlyChecking this box will make the hex color code box read-only; in other words, the color picking action can be achieved solely through the the visual canvas.
    Save to ReportChecking this box automatically saves the value from this Field into the database, under the avtActionForm_Reports table.
    Allow TokensIf checked, will allow the use of tokens (the tokens entered by the users in the field will be replaced with their values). Use with care.
    Secure InputIf checked, the text input will be HTML sanitized upon submit. Please see the following page for more information: Secure Input Option on Text Based Fields.


    A field that allows the user to insert positive and negative numbers (not fractional) or zero.

    • Specific parameters
    FieldDescription and information
    Initial ValueSet the initial value that will be loaded to the text box.
    Maximum ValueDefine the maximum value accepted (optional).
    Minimum ValueDefine the minimum value accepted (optional).
    Save to ReportChecking this box automatically saves the value from this Field into the database, under the avtActionForm_Reports table.


    This field allows users to input a phone number while auto-detecting the country and showing its flag. Validation is integrated by default. On submit, it will generate the [<FieldName>] token (which yields the value).

    • Specific parameters
    FieldDescription and information
    Initial ValueDefine the initial phone number that will show in the field (optional). Supports Tokens.
    Initial CountrySet the initial, two letter country code (please see here for a full list). You will need to set this parameter only if you use the "Initial Value" (see above). This field supports Tokens.
    Setting an initial country is required to remove the flag (see next parameter). A new checkbox will only appear after setting an initial country.
    Remove FlagIf checked, the phone field will be displayed without the flags dropdown and the initial country code will be used. The fields load initially having an initial value.
    Preferred CountriesThe countries to be shown at the top of the country dropdown. Input comma-separated values (e.g., UnitedKingdom;France;Germany). This field supports Tokens.
    Placeholder OptionSelect an option for placeholder.
    International ModeCheck this to enable "international mode", which shows the countries dial codes' in the input. Leaving this off provides a better experience for national sites.
    ValidationUncheck this option to disable phone field's own validation.
    ReadonlyMake the field read-only (non-editable).
    Save to ReportChecking this box automatically saves the value from this Field into the database, under the avtActionForm_Reports table.

    Rich Text Editor (CKEditor)

    Will display a CKEditor editor field in the form. CKEditor is a WYSIWYG-type rich text editor which enables writing content directly inside of web pages or online applications.

    • Specific parameters
    FieldDescription and information
    Initial ValueThe CKEditor field will load initially with this value. Supports Tokens so you can pull data from various sources such as user profile.
    Iframe Min HeightSet the min-height of the iframe in px. Default value is: 250px. Supports Tokens so you can pull data from various sources such as user profile.
    Save to ReportChecking this box automatically saves the value from this Field into the database, under the avtActionForm_Reports table.
    Allow TokensIf checked, will allow the use of tokens (the tokens entered by the users in the field will be replaced with their values). Use with care.
    Secure InputIf checked, the text input will be HTML sanitized upon submit. Please see the following page for more information: Secure Input Option on Text Based Fields.

    Rich Text Editor (Trumbowyg)

    Will display a Trumbowyg editor field in the form. Trumbowyg is a lightweight jQuery plugin used to transform a text area into an HTML Editor. A WYSIWYG-type editor, this plugin is lightweight (less than 30kb in size) and includes powerful tools such as lists, font-sizes, alignment, images, links, etc.

    • Specific parameters
    FieldDescription and information
    Initial ValueThe Trumbowyg field will load initially with this value. Supports Tokens so you can pull data from various sources such as user profile.
    Image Manager FieldThe selected image manager will be opened in a popup window where the user will be able to upload or select images. A new 'Upload' button will be added at the end of the button list. You can change its location by specifying it yourself in the "Buttons" parameter (see below).
    ButtonsInput buttons, button groups or button dropdowns(defined below) in the order that you want them to appear in the editor, you can split items with pipe ‘
    LanguageSelect the language for the button titles (English is default).
    Button GroupsYou can group the buttons set above. Format:
    Name: <group name>
    Value: <enter the buttons' codes sepparated by a space>.
    Button DropdownsCreate new button dropdowns to use in the 'Buttons' list. For each, define its Icon, Name, and actions (Buttons). For more information, please see the Trumbowyg documentation.
    SemanticGenerates a better, more semantic-oriented HTML syntax.
    Examples: "em" instead of i, strong instead of b, etc.
    Dark themeChanges the color scheme of the editor to "Dark".
    Save to ReportChecking this box automatically saves the value from this Field into the database, under the avtActionForm_Reports table.
    Allow TokensIf checked, will allow the use of tokens (the tokens entered by the users in the field will be replaced with their values). Use with care.
    Remove Format Pasted OptionWhen this option is active, the style will be automatically removed when a text is pasted into the editor.
    Tags to Remove OptionIf checked, allows you to sanitize the code by removing all the tags you want. Enter them in the field that appears, separated by a comma.
    Tags to Keep OptionWhen this option is on, it allows you to keep the specified tags. Enter them in the field that appears, separated by a comma.
    Note: this option is not compatible with the "Semantic" option (see above)!
    Secure InputIf checked, the text input will be HTML sanitized upon submit. Please see the following page for more information: Secure Input Option on Text Based Fields.

    Static Text

    Allows you to insert static text boxes to display text that cannot be modified by the users.

    On submit, it will generate the following tokens: [<FieldName>] (which yields the value), [<FieldName>:StartValue], [<FieldName>:EndValue].

    • Specific parameters
    FieldDescription and information
    ContentType the text to be displayed. The field supports Tokens, so you can pull data from various sources such as user profile.
    AlignDetermines the alignment of the text (Left, Center, Right).
    Save to ReportChecking this box automatically saves the value from this Field into the database, under the avtActionForm_Reports table.

    Text Box

    A normal text box field that the users can type text into.

    • Specific parameters
    FieldDescription and information
    Initial ValueThe field loads initially having this value. Supports Tokens so you can pull data from various sources such as user profile.
    Autocomplete URLProvide an URL link that can feed autocomplete suggestions for this textbox.
    -See the **Note below for more information.
    Autofill NameYou can select a value for the 'name' attribute of the input. You can check Google's form documentation for more information.
    Autofill AttributeYou can select a value for the 'autocomplete' attribute of the input. You can check Google's form documentation for more information.
    MaskOptionally, you can set a mask on a field. For example, if you want a certain phone number format, you can use a mask such as: (000) 000-0000.
    The following mask definitions are predefined:
  • 'a' - an alpha character (A-Z,a-z)
  • '0' - a numeric character (0-9)
  • '*' - an alphanumeric character (A-Z,a-z,0-9).
  • This field supports Tokens.
    Maximum LengthDefine a maximum text length (optional).
    Defer Request ByNumber of milliseconds to defer Ajax request. Defaults to: 300.
    Confirmation OfIf this is a 'textbox confirmation' field; select the textbox field that you wish to confirm here.
    ReadonlyMake the field read-only (non-editable).
    Save to ReportChecking this box automatically saves the value from this Field into the database, under the avtActionForm_Reports table.
    Allow TokensIf checked, will allow the use of tokens (the tokens entered by the users in the field will be replaced with their values). Use with care.
    Secure InputIf checked, the text input will be HTML sanitized upon submit. Please see the following page for more information: Secure Input Option on Text Based Fields.


    Use the "{query}" entry as a value where you want the typed text to go. Example:


    The function also dynamically appends a query string key named "query" with the value you typed. That allows you to create GET APIs which receive only a "query" key and call them like in the following example:

    /DesktopModules/DnnSharp/DnnApiEndpoint/Api.ashx?method=AutoComplete<br /><br />

    If you want to use the value returned by the API (rather than the text), use in the Bind Expressions section. Do not forget to check for null values first!


    If you would like to insert a page break into the front-end Title of a Text Box (or other field) in order to specify where the text breaks in the Title or have a sub-title for example, you can use the HTML break (<br/>) before the Title in order to insert an empty line above it.

    You can also manage the text size (and CSS styles), under the UI Settings section.


    This field allows setting up a title with custom font size.

    • Specific parameters
    FieldDescription and information
    SizeSet the desired title size. Available values range from H1 (smallest) to H7 (biggest). Defaults to: H2.
    Horizontal LineCheck this box to display a horizontal line under the title.
    Save to ReportChecking this box automatically saves the value from this Field into the database, under the avtActionForm_Reports table.

    Currency (Obsolete)


    This field type is obsolete and will be soon removed. Please use the Currency field instead.

    Item with Quantity (Obsolete)


    This field type is obsolete and will be soon removed. Please use one of the fields above instead.

    Simple Rich Text (Obsolete)


    This field type is obsolete and will be soon removed. Please use the Rich Text Editor (CKEditor) or Rich Text Editor (Trumbowyg) instead.

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