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Version: 1.25


Audience: Low-Code Developers

Skill Prerequisites: None

Returns DateTime information in a variety of formats

Typical Use Cases

  • Display the current date and time to a user
  • Format the date in a specific format
  • Initialize a form field
  • Compute a relative date


The examples below assume the current UTC time is 7/3/2023 11:29:47 PM

[DateTime:Now]7/3/2023 6:29 PMAssumes the user's preferred time zone is US Central Time
[DateTime:Now|dddd, MMMM d, yyyy \a\t hh:mm:ss tt]Monday, July 3, 2023 at 06:29:47 PMAssumes the user's preferred time zone is US Central Time
[DateTime:UTC]7/3/2023 11:29 PM
[DateTime:Current]Monday, July 3, 2023
[DateTime:System]7/3/2023 11:29 PM
[DateTime:Relative(add="-7 days")]6/26/2023 11:29:47 PMSupports days/weeks/months/years
[DateTime:Week(Offset=1)]Monday July 10 - Sunday July 16Offset is 1 week into the future
[DateTime:WeekUS(Offset=1)]Sunday July 9 - Saturday July 15Offset is 1 week into the future

Special Notes

The DateTime:Now token will give varying outputs depending on both user context and the site settings.

  1. If a user context is given: This output will be adjusted to the User Profile's Preferred Time Zone.

    This situation occurs (1) when there is a logged-in user, or (2) when actions are being executed and the Load User action has been implemented to modify the context to a different user.

  2. If no user context is given: The output aligns with the Settings / Site Settings / Site Time Zone.

    For instance, this case would be valid when you establish an automation job that doesn't have a defined context user, and there's no load user action being implemented.